WW Moments

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Tipps einer Hundebesitzerin

8 Realizations of a dog owner

A dog changes your life. He enriches it, turns it upside down, and suddenly you can't imagine it without your furry nose. In many years as a dog owner, I have learned that life with a dog demands ...

Hundehygiene – so pflege ich meinen Hund richtig

Dog hygiene - this is how you care for your dog properly

The dog's coat is so much more than just for preventing the dog from the cold. It protects the sensitive dog skin from parasites, diseases, dirt and UV radiation. It has a natural protective ...

William Walker

Why is William Walker called William Walker?

Why is William Walker called William Walker? - We are often asked this question and almost as often we are mistakenly addressed by mail with "Dear William" or "Dear Mr. Walker". Honestly, we think...

Promi-Hunde - Die Fellnasen von Superman und Co.

Famous dogs - The furry friends of Superman & co.

Stars and celebrities are ordinary people as well. No matter if show-biz or politics, when it comes to animals, our famous idols are not that different from us. Just like us, they fall in love wi...

#wwmomentsWilliam Walker Sommer mit Hund

William Walker's cool ideas for dog fun in the summer heat

Now that summer is approaching many of us are wondering what we can do with our dog. The warmer days invite us to spend a lot of time outside. However, it can quickly become boring to run day in a...



The photo of the month #05 (May) is by Maybe (@bestechendbrav)  Send us your photos, tag us or use #wwmoments to get into the monthly selection. Maya is wearing our Sea Salt Set.